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  1. Carta Lucie de Brintona de tota terra quam Godwinus filius Leurich

Carta Hugonis de Gurnay et Mileseint sponse sue de tota tenura

Dominis suis omnibus Hugonis de Gurnay et amicis et hominibus francis et anglis salutem. Sciatis quod ego et Mileseint sponsa mea et Hugo filius meus concedimus canonicis de Messend’ et carta nostra confirmauimus et garantizamus totam tenuram suam de Browton’ quam de Roberto Mansello tenebant cum omnibus appendiciis suis in bosco et plano et cunctis aliis rebus ad feudum illud pertinentibus ad tenendum de nobis et heredibus nostris et nominatim de uxore mea Mileseint cui in dote uillam illam dedimus ad tenendum insuper libere et quiete et hereditarie in perpetuam elemosinam per idem seruicium quod inde Roberto Mansel faciebant. Scilicet reddendo annuatim pro omnibus seruiciis vi marcas ad Pascha quas canonici vi marcas solebant reddere Roberto ad duos terminos scilicet Pasche Sancti Michaelis sed amodo reddentur simul ad Pascha et statuent unum canonicorum in ecclesia sua omnibus diebus pro salute nostra et antecessorum et successorum nostrorum. Et si ad eos de aliquo grauidi negotio nostro breue nostrum miserimus abbas aut aliquis de canonicis ibit pro nobis ad regem sine ad episcopum infra Angliam quin etiam ut omnis calumnia et querele heredum predicti Roberti tollantur. Sciant omnes amici nostri presentes et futuri nos pari assensu et concessione dedisse Stephano heredi predicti Roberti escambias in socha de Cheneborlay nominatim in Carlinton’ iiii marcatas terre illo in manu mea supradictam Brottone liberam dimittente et de escambiis mihi et Hugonis filio meo hominem suum faciente. Vt autem de hiis qui in presenti carta continentur nulla sit in posteris dubietas sigillum meum et sigillum sponse mee Milesent hic apponuntur. Testibus Nicholas Estoteuilla, Iohanne de Hosdeng, Willelmo de Sancto Luciano, Willelmo de Bossoncort, Hugone Heusart, Willelmo de Marteneio, Garnero Hosdent, Hugone de Braimoster, Reynardo de Mereuill, Radulfo de Ogia, Galtero thesaurio de Auesnes, Rogero capellano qui hanc cartam scripsit. Hec facta sunt apud Gornaium anno dominice incarnacionis MC sexagesimo vii pridie Nonarum Aprilis.


这份章程展示出了Hugh de Gurney、他的妻子、以及他的儿子Hugh授予修道院他们所拥有的全部土地以及在布劳顿与他们的婚礼有关的土地。这片土地曾经为Robert Mansel所拥有。为了得到这些土地,修道院必须每年在复活节时期支付6马克。作为其转让出布劳顿土地的交换,Gurney家族向Robert Mansel提供了卡尔顿的Cheneborlay地区价值4马克的土地。在诺曼征服事件之后,该文献于12世纪被撰写完成,人们通过这篇文献可以看出当时法国人与英国人之间的交流仍然十分密切。

契据上的人是Hugh de Gurney、他的妻子Milicent以及他的儿子(也叫做Hugh)。交易另一方是Robert Mansel与Robert的继承人Stephen。这些文件也对各方的继承人也同样具有约束力。

该文件有许多证人,其中包括以下人员:Nicolas Estoteuilla、John of Hosdeng、William de Luciano、William Bossoncort、Hugh Heusart、William Marteneio、Garner Hosdent、Hugh Braimoster、Reynard of Mereuill、Ralph Og、Galtero(Auesnes的司库),以及撰写此章程的Roger牧师。此份布告关系到所有在场的所有人与朋友。其中,受让人是Robert的继承人Stephen。在英国法律中,这一授予代表了一种土地保有权的形式,教会将永远拥有赠予给他们及其继承人的土地,条件是为捐赠者的灵魂和他的继承人祈祷。


转让的物品涵盖木材、田地以及包括城镇在内的所有土地。在每个逾越节时期修道院要支付六马克。会发生一种土地被买卖及交易的互换交易。通过这份文件,Hugh de Gurney的妻子受其丈夫行为的约束。如果有人想要投诉的话,他们可以向英国国王提出,而不必写信给主教。



在章程中,一个“向上帝致敬”,即文中的et statuent unum canonicum in ecclesia sua omnibus diebus pro salute nostra et antecessorum et successorum nostrorum,是一种保证形式。它是一种非专业的用于交易贵重财产的章程。此份章程是由Roger牧师起草的。米森登修道院位于白金汉郡的大米森登。英格兰距离贝德福德的卡尔顿有45英里远。

章程测试条款的证人名单是一种资源,可以让历史学家了解这个时期证人的家庭与他们当时所在的位置。它也是一种分析与个人有关的社会与政治网络的途径。签署章程时有很多人在场,就盎格鲁-诺曼宪章而言,我们可以假设在签署时,这些人实际上是在现场并且站在一起的。使用这些信息,我们可以相互参照有关参与契约的个人的其他信息,并且进行交易。有了这样的信息与家庭记录,就有可能找到相匹配的名字,比如Melisende de Gournay,她是de Coucy领主Thomas de Marle的女儿;Mélisende de Corbeil是生于1126年的;以及Hugh de Gournay,是第四世de Gournay男爵。这两个家族都来自法国诺曼,这就为英国与法国的宪章带来了参考信息


1. Chamberlain—it is likely in the jurisdiction of Chamberlain, being that the so-called franchise and right to receive fees from the location matches more with the modern English name of the location.
2. Dutton, M. (2016). A Companion to Aelred of Rievaulx (1110–1167). Brill.
3. “in manu mea supradictam Brottone liberam dimittente et de escambiis mihi et Hugonis filio meo hominem suum faciente”
4. “escambias in socha de Cheneborlay nominatim in Carlinton iij marcatas terre illo”
5. “Et si ad eos de aliquo grauidi negotio nostro breue nostrum miserimus abbas aut aliquis de canonicis ibit pro nobis ad regem sine ad episcopum infra Angliam quin etiam ut omnis calumpnia et quercle heredum predicti Roberti tollantur.”
6. Stenton, F. M. (1910). Types of Manorial Structure in the Northern Danelaw. Clarendon Press.; see also, Cheyney, E. P. (1911). Types of Manorial Structure in the Northern Danelaw. Customary Rents, 802–803.
7. Rogero capellano; I am uncertain whether this individual was a chaplain or had the name referencing such.
8. Bates, D. (1997). The Prosopographical Study of Anglo-Norman Royal Charters: Some Problems and Perspectives. In Family Trees and the Roots of Politics: The Prosopography of Britain and France from the Tenth to the Twelfth Century, K. S. B. Keats-Rohan (ed.). Woodbridge.
9. Note that the document is not subscribed with Signa.
10. Gurney, D. (1848). The record of the house of Gournay, vol. 2.


Bates, D. (1997). The Prosopographical Study of Anglo-Norman Royal Charters: Some Problems and Perspectives. In Family Trees and the Roots of Politics: The Prosopography of Britain and France from the Tenth to the Twelfth Century, K. S. B. Keats-Rohan (ed.). Woodbridge.
Dutton, M. (2016). A Companion to Aelred of Rievaulx (1110–1167). Brill.
Gurney, D. (1848). The record of the house of Gournay, vol. 2.
Stenton, F. M. (1910). Types of Manorial Structure in the Northern Danelaw. Clarendon Press.



社论十二月 09, 2022



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